Call of duty cold war campaign review
Call of duty cold war campaign review

call of duty cold war campaign review

Treyarch's previous COD, Black Ops 4, suffered from a lack of a campaign, so it's good there's one this time around. Availability: Out now on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox Oneīlack Ops Cold War is a clunky name for a fun setting.But, every now and then, you can really tell Black Ops Cold War wasn't the smoothest op ever. That there is a solid game to play at all is a fantastic achievement. Like a Black Ops operation behind enemy lines, Cold War is something of a miraculous rescue job, the result of what I have no doubt was a crushing effort to meet Activision's launch deadline.

call of duty cold war campaign review

And I do believe Black Ops Cold War is probably the best game it has any right to be under the circumstances - circumstances that were troubled even before the pandemic forced the developers at Raven and Treyarch and the enormous quality assurance effort that goes into a Call of Duty to switch to work from home. Playing through its campaign, multiplayer and zombies modes - Call of Duty's golden triangle - there is a lot to like. Treyarch delivers an impressive package considering the circumstances, but Black Ops Cold War feels like a step back from last year.Ĭall of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, the latest in Activision's annual first-person shooter series, is a solid effort.

Call of duty cold war campaign review